Meeting Dates

  • October 26, 2024
  • April 26, 2025

Senate meetings are held twice each year, in spring and fall, at the University of Saskatchewan campus or nearby in Saskatoon. Senators will make their own travel arrangements to attend meetings. The Governance Office covers travel expenses for the elected members of Senate up to approved limits.

We encourage Senators to attend Senate meetings in person. A hybrid option will be available.


The deadline for Senators to submit a motion is September 26 for the October 26, 2024 meeting.

Rules of Order


Date & Time: April 20, 2024, 9 am – 4 pm
Location: Education Students’ Lounge


April 27, 2019
October 20, 2018


April 21, 2018

April 25, 2015
Presentations at April 25, 2015 meeting: CLS - Rob Lamb  Logo and Secondary Logo  Financial Presentation   Tuition Presentation

October 18,2014
Presentations at October 18, 2014 meeting: University Goals - Provost  Great War Commemoration   School of Architecture

April 26, 2014
Presentations at April 26, 2014 meeting:  GSA update  Financial Sustainability update  Enrolment update

October 19, 2013
Presentations at October 19, 2013 meeting: OBA update   Distributed Learning Strategy   Aboriginal Engagement Activity

April 20, 2013
Presentations at April 20th Meeting: President's presentation  OBA update  Centres & Institutes update  Enrolment update

October 20, 2012  

April 21, 2012

October 15, 2011

April 16, 2011

October 16, 2010

April 17, 2010

October 17, 2009

April 18, 2009

October 18, 2008

April 19, 2008

Break-out Session Notes

