
University policies articulate the university’s position on issues which have university-wide application, and are subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, University Council and/or Senate.

Policy Oversight Committee
The Policy Oversight Committee is responsible for reviewing university policies and is a resource to colleges and units who are establishing or revising policies. 

Responsibility (Sponsors and Procedures)
Our principles rarely change—they reflect core institutional and societal values. Policy change may be infrequent, but it can, should and will occur to assure continuing relevance. Procedures that detail the steps necessary to operationalize and implement policies change more frequently and are properly the responsibility of decision makers responsible for the associated processes and practices.

Every university policy must have a sponsor: that is, the senior administrator (normally a vice-president, associate vice-president, dean or director) who has overall responsibility for implementation of the policy and for developing and maintaining the procedures associated with it, and promoting awareness of it. The sponsor has the authority to interpret the policy and monitor compliance. The sponsor may delegate these responsibilities (including drafting the policy).


Proposal Procedures

Any member of the University community may suggest to the Policy Oversight Committee that a new University policy, or a revision to an existing policy, is required.

New policy or making significant changes

Steps to be taken in proposing a new policy for approval or when proposing significant change to an existing policy:

1. Notice of Intent

  1. Review the policy on the Development, Approval and Administration of University Policies,
    to determine whether the policy you are considering putting forward is consistent with the principles articulated there. You may wish to reference other policies for consistency of format and content, particularly with recently approved policies.

  2. Fill out the Notice of Intent Form,
    listing all departments/units that have reviewed the draft, including any comments received from them; a sponsor must be identified. 

  3.  Submit the form by email
    with a brief summary explaining the policy to the Secretary of the Policy Oversight Committee.

2. Drafting and Consultation

  1. The Policy Oversight Committee will consider the notice of intent and may invite you to attend a meeting to discuss the need for the policy and steps to be taken in its development. If it is agreed a new policy is needed, you will be asked to develop a draft policy based on a policy template.

  2. Once the Policy Oversight Committee is prepared to recommend that the policy go forward, the committee will assign an individual to work with you to provide advice as you draft the policy and consult with stakeholders. This individual will bring the final draft back to the committee for review.

3. Approval

  1. On the advice of the Policy Oversight Committee, the university secretary will determine the appropriate approval body(ies) for the policy, and it will be forwarded for the necessary approvals.

  2. Once approval has been granted, the policy will be posted on the Policies website. The sponsor is responsible for implementation, development of associated procedures, interpretation and awareness of the policy, and for monitoring compliance

Minor changes

Steps to be taken in proposing minor changes or reformatting an existing policy:

  1. Fill out the Notice of Intent form
  2. Email the form with a brief summary explaining the changes to the Secretary of the Policy Oversight Committee.

Delete an existing policy

Steps to be taken in proposing deleting an existing policy:

  1. Fill out the Notice of Intent form
  2. Email the form with a brief summary explaining why the policy should be deleted to the Secretary of the Policy Oversight Committee.


If you have questions, please contact:
