Terms of Reference

The members of the Nominations Committee shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and elected annually by Senate.

(a) Membership  

The Committee shall be composed of:

(i)  The Chair of the Executive Committee or a designate from the Executive Committee;
(ii)  Four members of Senate; and
(iii) The Secretary (non-voting member).

(b) Term

The term of a Senate member on the Committee is one year, renewable annually for up to two additional years, for a maximum of three years.  The term of the Chairperson will be one year, renewable annually for up to two additional years for a maximum of three years.

(c)  Chair

The Chairperson shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.

(d)  Duties and Powers

(i) To recommend annually to the spring meeting of the Senate individuals for membership on the Executive Committee.

(ii) To recommend annually at the spring meeting of Senate individuals for membership on, and chairs of other standing committees of Senate, and Senate representatives on other committees.

(iii) To make appointments to standing committees of Senate and for Senate representation on other committees when vacancies arise between meetings of the Senate, and to report these to Senate at its next meeting.

(iv) In the final year of the Chancellor’s term, to recommend to the fall meeting of the Senate individuals for appointment to a joint nominations committee for Chancellor.

(v) In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chancellor or if it is known there will be a vacancy within the academic year, to recommend to the next meeting of the Senate individuals for appointment to the joint nominations committee for Chancellor.

(vi) To receive nominations from the Executive Committee for Senate representatives on the Board of Governors, and to present the nominees for election by the Senate, and to establish procedures for presenting background information on the nominees to Senators prior to the election.

(vii) To nominate a roster of six (6) members of Senate to serve for three years, from which members may be selected to serve on Boards for Student Discipline and Appeal Boards.

(viii) To nominate two (2) members of Senate to serve on University Council pursuant to section 54(j) of the University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995 as non-voting members for a one year term, renewable annually for up to two additional years to a maximum of three years.

