Terms of Reference

The Senate members of the Membership Committee shall be nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected annually be Senate.

(a) Membership

The Committee shall be composed of:

(i) Chair of the Executive Committee or a designate from the Executive Committee;
(ii) Four elected members of Senate who shall be nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected annually by Senate; and
(iii) The Secretary (non-voting member).

(b) Term

The term of a Senate member on the Committee is for one year, renewable annually for up to two additional years, for a maximum of three years.  The term of the Chair will be one year, renewable annually for up to two additional years for a maximum of three years.

(c) Chair

The Chair shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee.

(d) Duties and Powers

(i)  To consider applications for membership from associations on the Senate and make recommendations thereon to the Senate and to recommend the removal of associations from Senate.

(ii) To hear appeals and complaints respecting the election of members of Senate as shall be appropriately filed with the Secretary, pursuant to Section III of these Bylaws.

(iii) To review and update, as necessary, the Senate Bylaws respecting affiliation and federation, and make recommendations thereon to the Senate.

(iv) To receive proposals respecting the affiliation or federation of any educational institutions with the University and make recommendations thereon to the Senate.

