Terms of Reference


The Nominations Committee of University Council is responsible for:

  1. Nominating members of the General Academic Assembly (GAA) and Council to serve on all standing and special committees of Council, other than the Nominations Committee, and nominating the Chairs of these committees.
  2. Nominating members of Council or the GAA to serve on other committees on which Council or GAA representation has been requested.
  3. Nominating individuals to serve as Chair and/or Vice-Chair of Council, or as members of Council, as required, in accordance with the Bylaws.
  4. Nominating Sessional Lecturers to Council committees as required.
  5. Nominating eligible members of the General Academic Assembly to serve on appeal and review committees as required by the Collective Agreement with the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association.
  6. Nominating individuals to serve on search and review committees for senior administrators.


  1. Members of the Nominations Committee will be permitted to serve on other Council committees.
  2. To the greatest extent possible the Nominations Committee should attempt to ensure that no member of Council or the General Academic Assembly serves on more than one of the following committees: Academic Programs Committee or Planning and Priorities Committee.
  3. Members of affiliated and federated colleges may not serve on the Planning and Priorities Committee.
  4. To the greatest extent possible, the Nominations Committee should attempt to include on committees members who are broadly representative of the disciplines of the University.
  5. The Nominations Committee will solicit nominations widely from Council and the General Academic Assembly.
  6. The term of office of a faculty member of a standing committee is normally three consecutive years, unless otherwise specified by the Nominations Committee so as to consider regular turnover, the composition of committee membership, and the alignment of Council terms.
  7. The Nominations Committee will nominate term replacements for Council Committee members taking sabbatical, administrative or other leaves of greater than six months, equivalent to the length of the leave. In the event a member decides to serve during their leave, a replacement is not required.  Members may complete their term upon return from their leave if still within their elected time frame.
  8. Nominees will be selected for their experience, demonstrated commitment and/or their potential for a significant contribution to committee functions.
  9. In nominating individuals to Council and other university committees, a full consideration will be given to achieve equity, diversity, and inclusion in representation. The Nominations Committee of Council will revise and adapt its approach to fulfilling this commitment on a regular basis.


  • Nine elected members of Council, not more than three members from Arts and Science and not more than two members from each of the other colleges, one of whom will be Chair.

Ex Officio Members (non-voting)

  • President
  • Chair of Council

Committee Coordination

  • Governance Office

Name Nature of Appointment College or Unit Term on Committee
Scott Bell (Chair) University Council Arts and Science Ending June 30, 2025
Marcella Ogenchuck University Council Nursing July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027
DeDe Dawson University Council Library July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027
Rachel Engler-Stringer University Council Medicine July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026
Reza Fotouhi University Council Engineering July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026
Pierre-Francois Noppen University Council Arts and Science July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026
Jaswant Singh University Council WCVM Ending June 30, 2025
Keith Walker University Council Education July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026

Committee Support
Danny Freire

Meeting Quorum
two thirds voting members

Meeting Schedule

The Nominations Committee meets on an ad hoc basis. The Committee Coordinator will schedule the meetings as required.

