
Terms of Reference

The Governance Committee of University Council is responsible for:

  1. Reviewing the Bylaws of Council and recommending to Council revisions to the Bylaws.
  2. Reviewing the Bylaws of Faculty Councils and recommending to University Council, Colleges, and Schools changes to their Bylaws.
  3. Reviewing the membership, powers, and duties of committees of Council and recommending to Council revisions to the membership, powers and duties of committees.
  4. Recommending to Council regulations and procedures for Council and Council committees.
  5. Advising the University Secretary (or designate) on matters relating to faculty councils and University Council elections.
  6. Advising Council with respect to its responsibilities and powers under The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995 and recommending to Council on proposed changes to the Act.
  7. Nominating the members and chair of the Nominations Committee of Council to University Council.
  8. Providing advice to the Chair of Council on the role of the Chair.
  9. Recommending to Council rules and procedures, including the penalties as prescribed by section 61(1)(h) of The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995, to deal with allegations of academic misconduct on the part of students.
  10. Recommending to Council rules and procedures to deal with appeals by students and former students concerning academic decisions affecting them as provided in section 61(1)(j) of The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995.
  11. Designating individuals to act as representatives of the Committee on any other bodies, when requested, where such representation is deemed by the Committee to be beneficial.
  12. Reporting and recommending to Council on University policies that are within the purview of Council and/or the joint purview of the University’s governing bodies.
  13. To review and approve editorial (not substantive) revisions to the University Council Bylaws (e.g., corrections to title changes for senior administrative positions, spelling, formatting, proofing...), and report them to Council on an annual basis. Such revisions will not change the reading of the Bylaws, their potential interpretations, meanings, or significance.



  • Three elected members of Council, one of whom will be Chair
  • A GAA member of Council appointed by the President
  • Chair of Council
  • Chair, Academic Programs Committee of Council or APC committee designate*
  • Chair, Planning and Priorities Committee of Council or PPC committee designate*

Ex Officio Members (non-voting)

  • University Secretary
  • President

Student members (non-voting unless the appointed member is a member of Council)

  • GSA President or designate
  • USSU President or designate

Committee Coordination

  • Governance Office
*Should the chair of this committee not be a member of Council, a committee designate who is a member of Council will be named.

Meeting Schedule

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule

Meetings are held 2:30pm-4:30pm

  • September 19, 2023
  • October 10, 2023
  • November 7, 2023
  • December 5, 2023
  • January 16, 2024
  • February 13, 2024
  • March 5, 2024
  • April 9, 2024
  • May 7, 2024
  • May 28, 2024

2024-2025 Tentative Meeting Plan:

  • Once per month typically on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4:30pm

