Terms of Reference
The Land and Facilities Committee is responsible to the Board of Governors for overseeing and directing all matters respecting the physical assets and infrastructure that facilitate the strategic directions of the university, including:
- land and buildings
- mineral rights, hard and soft landscape
- exterior furniture and signage
- roads and pathways, municipal and utilities infrastructure
- information and communications systems, data and records; computer, telephony, and media hardware and software; and voice and data networks and infrastructure
The Land and Facilities Committee shall provide direction, monitoring, evaluation, and advice to the Board, and shall make recommendations to the Board for approval with respect to all Land and Facilities matters and policies of the university.
Membership and Quorum
In accordance with the Board’s bylaws, membership on the Land and Facilities Committee shall be comprised of 3-5 governors. The Board on the recommendation of the Board Chair appoints the committee chair and members.
- All members are eligible to be on the Land and Facilities committee.
- Two Board members who are members of the committee shall constitute a quorum *
- The Chair of the Board is an ex officio voting member.
The Land and Facilities Committee may invite such officers, directors, and employees of the University and external consultants as it may see fit from time to time to attend meetings and assist in the discussion and consideration of matters before the Committee.
* Board Bylaws Article VIII Section 8 QUORUM (Two Board members who are members of that committee shall constitute a quorum for all standing committees.
- Marty Seymour (Chair)
- Grant Devine
- Nadeem Jamali
- Herb McFaull
- Mike Marsh
- Krunal Chavda
- Keith Martell
Key External Stakeholders
- The City of Saskatoon
- Office of the Provincial Auditor
- University of Saskatchewan Land Trust
Key Internal Stakeholders
- Vice-President Administration and Chief Operating Officer
- Other governing bodies of the University of Saskatchewan as deemed appropriate
Committee Focus
- Concern with the regular operation of the institution and the Board’s obligation for fiduciary oversight of the university resources.
- Concern with ongoing assurance and risk management of the University.
- Concern with the guiding principles and policies of the institution.
Long-term pro-active activities
- Ensure a safe, comfortable, productive and attractive environment is maintained.
- Ensure risks and liabilities are appropriately managed.
- Ensure priorities are established for fundraising and assist with strategies that address the long-term sustainability of the institution.
- Exercise oversight over substantial capital assets, such as facilities, that have a relatively long and useful life.
- Engage in strategic planning for the future of the institution as it relates to managerial and operational investments.
- Ensure sustainable development policies and programs are met.
Short-term responsive activities
- Ensure new programs and initiatives are based on appropriate business planning to provide reasonable assurances of sustainability.
- Ensure campus facilities are planned, designed, constructed, and maintained to minimize lifecycle costs and maximize reliability, serviceability, and sustainability.
- Ensure code and regulatory requirements are adhered to.
- Review and approve all land and real estate transactions.
- Ensure all plans and various sub-plans are developed, implemented and maintained respecting best land use.
- Ensure capital plans and project submissions are reviewed and approved.
- Ensure annual multi-year operations, cyclical renewal and replacement, and deferred maintenance plans are in place and are well managed.
- Ensure appropriate policies, processes, and practices are in place pertaining to the acquisition, operation, maintenance, and use of campus physical assets.
- Monitor various metrics of performance relative to the institution’s internal policies in the area of land and facilities.
- Ensure that governance and management of the institution is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Oversee and assess the effectiveness of policy and procedure guidelines relating to the expenditure of any funds both planned and actual required to conduct university business.
Items for the Board
The Land and Facilities Committee will make recommendations for approval and/or report to the Board for information with respect to the following:
- Locations and design of all physical assets
- Long-range plans for the development of physical assets
- Naming of buildings, roads, sites and other assets
- Acquisition of major software systems and technology infrastructure
- Traffic and parking regulations
If you have questions please contact: