Position Profile
The role of chancellor is established in the University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995, which indicates that the chancellor, as an alumnus of the university appointed by the Senate, shall
- preside at all meetings of the Convocation and Senate (8 days/yr)
- confer degrees
- serve as a member of the Board of Governors (11 days/yr)
The chancellor chairs meetings of Senate (twice per year in April and October) and chairs the Senate Executive Committee (2-3 times per year in September and March). The chancellor is a member of the Senate Honorary Degrees Committee (once or twice per year); Senate Membership Committee (as required); and Senate Nominations Committee (2-4 times per year). The chancellor is also a member of the Board of Governors and attends all Board meetings and committee meetings (at least 11 days per year).
In addition, the chancellor is called upon:
- to act in an advisory and supportive role to the president
- to represent the university at official functions and events [e.g. award ceremonies for students, staff and alumni; grand openings; pow-wows; other university installations; chamber functions; Huskie events; holiday receptions]
- to participate on other Board standing and ad hoc committees as determined by the governance committee
- to foster a culture of excellence and enhance the university's reputation.
Statutory Requirements
In accordance with the Act, only persons who have been members of the Convocation for at least 10 years before nomination are eligible to be appointed as chancellor. The chancellor is appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of a nomination committee and holds office for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed. The chancellor may be appointed to serve office for a second three-year term but may not serve a third consecutive term.
Selection Criteria
- A passionate and articulate advocate of the University of Saskatchewan and of higher education generally
- Knowledgeable about the university, its programs and governance
- Willing to spend significant time on the campuses
- An effective communicator with both internal and external audiences
- An experienced and effective meeting chair and public speaker
- Able and willing to commit significant time and energy to the work of the Board and to make a sound contribution as a Board member
- Able to forge an effective working relationship with the president and to inspire the president’s trust and confidence
- Well-known and liked within the community
- Able to bring honour and prestige to the university and to project the dignity and personal presence required of the office
- In a position to promote and further the strategic goals and ambitions of the institution